MWF President - Professor Scarlett McNally


Scarlett McNally is a Consultant Orthopaedic surgeon at Eastbourne since 2002 and Deputy Director at the Centre for Perioperative Care ( since 2020. The ninth woman electedScarlett McNALLY pic 2 002 to the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (2011-2021):  wrote, guidance for SAS surgeons, a curriculum in surgery for medical students, a guide on how to avoid unconscious bias and a sustainability strategy. MA in Clinical Education (Brighton 2008). MBA in Health Service Management (Keele, 2013). Lead for ‘What we should call Junior Doctors’ – report due 2022. Won prizes for developing ‘Doctors’ Assistants’ - a new role to take the pressure off doctors. Trust Director of Medical Education 2008-11. Led on the Academy of Medical Royal College’s report ‘Exercise the miracle cure’. On the Clinical Advisory Board of Sport England and the Office of Health Improvement and Disparities for work on improving health professionals’ understanding of exercise. 4 children, now adults. 3 electric-cycles. 4th Dan Karate black belt. I have written extensively and speak regularly about medical careers, avoiding bullying, exercise as prevention and being a patient with myeloma and cardiac amyloidosis (in remission).

See @scarlettmcnally on Twitter and


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