Co-opted Member of Council for EDI - Dr Rahel Odonde


rahel odonde 2Rahel Odonde is a senior registrar in obstetrics and gynaecology approaching the end of her training. Her special interests include the safe practice of abortion care, sexual health and global health, having completed a MSc in Global Health in Sweden. She also completed a public health internship at the WHO European Regional Office, Copenhagen.

She is committed to promoting sexual and reproductive health and rights. You will find her writing articles as a guest blogger for the Swedish NGO ‘My Period is Awesome’ and is the outgoing MWF’s representative at the UN Association’s Women’s Advisory Council (WACUNA). She was co-opted onto the executive committee of the WACUNA and continues to play an active role.

Health inequities are never far from her mind. As such she works alongside the leadership of the Medical Women’s International Association’s Teenage Taskforce, advocating and educating healthcare professionals and protagonists in family planning with a focus on young people. Her interest in global health and social disparities has led her to speak on ‘racism in medicine’ at university and trust faculty days, as well as facilitating and delivering sessions focusing on cultural competence in medicine for undergraduates.

The role of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion lead is new and so presents a lot of opportunities for working with the membership and council to shape and change how we all think about equitable inclusivity. She is ready for the challenge and hopes you are too!

Rahel has lived in numerous countries and as such feels at home in a multi-cultural setting, with peoples that hail from different parts of the world and from all walks of life. She is an avid cook, bakes, loves music and theatre and misses the copious amounts of travelling she did BC (before coronavirus), but will find her herself crossing a border soon enough.

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