MWF Student Representative Vacancies 2022
MWF Student Representative Vacancies
The Medical Women’s Federation aims to have a student representative at every medical school in the UK. In addition, we have a student representative on Council.
If there isn't a representative at your school an...
MWF Conference Survey
The Medical Women’s Federation has traditionally held two conferences per year. The Spring Meeting is usually held regionally and is organised by a local MWF committee. The Autumn Meeting is usually held in London and is organised by the MWF Officers...
GMC Good Medical Practice Review
We are delighted to be helping the GMC gain perspectives from as many medical women as possible for their review of Good Medical Practice. They are particularly keen to hear the perspectives of medical women, so the MWF is facilitating some small gro...
MWF Spring Conference - Cancelled
It is with regret that we are writing to inform you that we have taken the difficult decision to cancel our Spring Conference 2022 which was due to take place on the 22nd April 2022 at the Mary Ward House in London. We have acted in response to conce...
National Clinical Impact Awards - 2022 Awards
Changes to the ACCEA system from 2022
Following a consultation, to which MWF responded, there is reform of the national ACCEA system for consultants and academic GPs. The changes mean a very tight timescale this year for receiving applications for M...
Congratulations to the new MWF President-Elect and Treasurers
We would like to offer our warms congratulations to Mrs Scarlett McNally who has been appointed President-Elect of MWF. We also congratulate Dr Angharad Ruttley and Dr Rashmi Mathew who have been appointed joint honorary treasurers'.
Mrs Scarlett...
MWF at 105
The MWF celebrating 105 years
The Medical Women’s Federation (MWF) was founded in 1917 with 190 members and Dr Jane Walker as President. Today, the 1st of February 2022, MWF is 105 years old and continues to have a major influential voice addr...
International Women's Day Event
The Safety of Women in Cities
A joint event for International Women’s Day 2022
Date: Tuesday 8th March
Time: 4-6pm followed by a drink’s reception
Location: Apothecaries Hall, Black Friars Lane, London EC4V 6EJ
Cost: Free to attend
Women and gi...
MWF Listening Ear
The MWF Listening ear is an informal network of MWF volunteers that provides informal but confidential support and encouragement to MWF members who maybe experiencing difficulties in their profession.
This service is free of charge and open to all M...