MWF Vacancies 2024
Editor of Medical Woman - Job Share
Could you be the next interim co-editor of ‘Medical Woman’ magazine?
Role-share required to start soon. We have a vacancy for the role of editor of our twice-yearly magazine “Medical Woman”. One member has volunteered to do this as a role-share. Are you creative, literary or want to learn or share ideas and experiences? Do you have time and energy to chase and edit words, pictures and concepts? This would be an interim role until the AGM in May 2025 (and you could apply to continue). You would have a dynamic team to work with and lots of help. This role also puts you on the Officer team of MWF and a trustee of MWF charity with shared voting rights.
Please apply here:
Deadline: Sunday 1st September 2024
MWF Council Vacancies
Please note, the below positions must be ratified at the MWF AGM. Therefore, the roles are interim until May 2025 when they will be re-advertised for a three year term.
An officer position is needed for the below:
- Editor of Medical Woman
Council members are needed in the following regions:
- North West
- Yorkshire and Humber
- North East
- Northern Ireland
- Scotland West
Nominees must be proposed and seconded by two MWF members using the nomination form here. Please also send a CV stating name, brief career resume, MWF membership and service, along with a separate brief personal (election) statement which includes confirmation of willingness to serve (1-side A4 maximum) to
Eligibility: Please note Council members positions are open to all qualified doctors and we would very much like to encourage enthusiastic members to apply, for any one of the above positions.