Freedom of Information Request - Response


On the 24th September 2015, MWF President Dr Sally Davies sent a Freedom of Information request regarding whether the proposed changes to the junior doctor contract had been subject to a Equality Impact Assessment. Below is the response we received on the 6th November 2015 from the NHS Confederation. 

Dear Dr Davies

Thank you for your email below.

For the sake of clarity the NHS Confederation is not a public body and therefore not subject to the Freedom of Information Act.

Your question was about conducting equality impact assessment on the proposed new junior doctors’ contract. The current firm offer made this week by the Secretary of State for Health makes clear that an Equality Impact Assessment of the new arrangements will be undertaken. Such an assessment would be done on the final arrangements rather than at the offer stage.

I hope this answers your question but if you have any further queries please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Maggie Evans
Company Secretary

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