NHS Employers SAS Development Guide Updated




NHS Employers SAS development guide updated

NHS Employers, with partners has updated the SAS development guide to include new case studies and more information on continuing professional development, autonomous working and extended roles for the SAS workforce.

The guide has been updated by NHS Employers together with partners from the British Medical Association, British Dental Association, Health Education England and the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, and with a representative of Medical Women's Federation, Dr Anthea Mowat, MWF Honorary Secretary, who also features as a case study within the guidance. The guide, originally published in 2017, aims to make sure that this important group of doctors remains fit to practice and develop in their careers.

This guide has been updated in line with NHS Employers actions to support the work of the HEE and NHS Improvement guidance Maximising the Potential: essential measures to support SAS doctors which sets out how the NHS can better recognise and support SAS doctors to continue to deliver high quality patient care. It tasks HEE and NHS provider organisations with ensuring that SAS doctors are offered development opportunities linked to service need, their experience and career aspirations.

This updated SAS development guide aims to set out in more detail the ways in which employers can help to meet this commitment. Ensuring that SAS doctors receive effective development will benefit patients, employers, and doctors.

For further information please visit NHS Employers SAS development web pages."

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