MWIA Expresses Solidarity and Urges Immediate Action by Global Community to Restore Human Rights in Nicaragua
The Medical Women’s International Association is troubled following recent reports of acts of continued violence in Nicaragua against students, civilians, clergy members and media personnel.
International organizations must ensure and monitor that human rights are respected by all governments, and that action be taken against governments that do not do it. It is the duty of all NGOs to give evidence of episodes of violence to raise public awareness and combat violence in all its forms.
As one of the aims of MWIA is to defend the health of women, men and children all over the world. We believe it is our duty to strive to protect those who are violated.
We are deeply concerned that our medical colleagues and other members of the health care work force are being intimidated and threatened and are often being held hostage in clinics and hospitals. This continued abuse against them is preventing the delivery of health care for those unfortunate victims of violence at this crucial time. The continued delays in providing timely medical assistance is unacceptable and we call upon the Nicaraguan authorities to address this violence and inhumane treatment of the people and ensure that their health and human rights are not compromised as they are at present.
We, the members of MWIA collectively call upon world leaders, the various UN agencies and international judiciary to join non-governmental associations and academic colleagues to take immediate action against the unacceptable situation in Nicaragua.
Please see the full text of the press statement here.