MWF Vacancies 2022
- Council Vacancies
- Co-opted Member of Council Vacancies
1. Council Vacancies
We are inviting nominations for Council Members to take office at the end of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in April 2022, for a 3-year term of office (2022 – 2025). Council members are needed in the following regions:
- London x1
- East of England
- Yorkshire and Humber
- South East
- Wales
- West Midlands
- North East
- South West
- Scotland x2
We are also inviting nominations for the position of:
- Medical Student Representative to Council
Nominees must be proposed and seconded by two MWF members using the nomination form here. Please also send a typed CV stating name, brief career resume, MWF membership and service, along with a brief personal statement which includes confirmation of willingness to serve (1-side A4 maximum) to
Please click here to read the summary of guidelines and Council Member Job description.
Eligibility: Please note Council members positions are open to all MWF members and we would very much like to encourage enthusiastic members to apply, for any one of the above positions.
Deadline for applications: 17:00 on 20th March 2022
2. Co-opted Members of Council
MWF is looking to appoint two Co-opted Members of Council in order to strengthen the breadth of experience and skills available to the MWF Officers team. Co-opted members are expected to contribute their professional, specialist and general management skills to the MWF Officers team in a non-executive role, subject to the changing needs of the team.
Applications are welcome for the following specialties:
- Fundraising
- Campaigning
Please click here to read the summary of guidelines and Council Member Job description.
To apply, please send a typed CV – stating name, brief career resume, along with a brief personal statement (1-side A4 maximum) specifying the selected specialism and what you want to achieve in this role to
Eligibility: Please note Council members positions are open to all MWF Members and we would very much like to encourage enthusiastic members to apply, for any one of the above positions.
Deadline for applications: 17:00 on 20th March 2022