We would like to offer our warms congratulations to Mrs Scarlett McNally who has been appointed President-Elect of MWF. We also congratulate Dr Angharad Ruttley and Dr Rashmi Mathew who have been appointed joint honorary treasurers'.
Mrs Scarlett McNally
Consultant Orthopaedic surgeon at Eastbourne since 2002 and Deputy Director at the Centre for Perioperative Care (www.cpoc.org.uk) since 2020. The ninth woman elected to the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (2011-2021): I wrote www.rcseng.ac.uk/study, guidance for SAS surgeons, a curriculum in surgery for medical students, a guide on how to avoid unconscious bias and a sustainability strategy. MA in Clinical Education (Brighton 2008). MBA in Health Service Management (Keele, 2013). Lead for ‘What we should call Junior Doctors’ – report due 2022. Won prizes for developing ‘Doctors’ Assistants’ - a new role to take the pressure off doctors. Trust Director of Medical Education 2008-11. Led on the Academy of Medical Royal College’s report ‘Exercise the miracle cure’. On the Clinical Advisory Board of Sport England and the Office of Health Improvement and Disparities for work on improving health professionals’ understanding of exercise. 4 children, now adults. 3 electric-cycles. 4th Dan Karate black belt. I have written extensively and speak regularly about medical careers, avoiding bullying, exercise as prevention and being a patient with myeloma and cardiac amyloidosis (in remission). See @scarlettmcnally on Twitter and www.scarlettmcnally.co.uk
Dr Angharad Ruttley
Angharad is a Consultant Psychiatrist specialising in Liaison Psychiatry. Currently she is Acting Medical Director (Mental Health, Luton and Bedfordshire) at East London Foundation Trust, having joined ELFT as Clinical Director for Crisis and Perinatal care in 2019.
She trained at St George’s Hospital Medical School and gained her first Consultant Psychiatrist post in 2009. She studied psychiatry on the St Mary’s and East London rotations and has worked as a Liaison Psychiatrist in East and West London hospitals during her consultant career. She holds a Master’s degree in Medical Law. Her interests in equity of access and integration of mental and physical health services first led her into medical management in 2012, first as a Clinical Lead with colleagues in North West London developing Liaison and Perinatal Psychiatry Services, then as a Clinical Director in a combined operational and clinical leadership role at West London Trust. Along the way she has had two sons, now 5 and 7 years old, and is bringing them up with her partner in St Albans.
Ms Rashmi Mathew
Rashmi Mathew is a Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon at Moorfields Eye Hospital, where she is a glaucoma specialist. She is an Associate Professor in teaching at UCL, when she co-leads a Clinical Masters programme. She oversees Leadership Training for Residents and runs the EyeThrive leadership programme at UCL .
She sits a number of national committees, including the British Ophthalmological Surveillance Committee and has been on the Royal Society of Medicine, Ophthalmology Council since 2012.
Rashmi is passionate about Glaucoma Patient Education and has been running Patient Information Events since 2011. She has recently developed a comprehensive digital patient learning package for people with glaucoma.
She has published over 50 peer reviewed publications. Her research interests include creating inclusive postgraduate medical curricula, belongingness in postgraduate students and glaucoma.
In her spare time, Rashmi enjoys running, cycling and spending time with her 2 young children and mentoring young adults from BME backgrounds, who are interested in pursuing a career in medicine.